Thursday, April 15, 2010

Clayton Hunt Sr. of Richmond, Indiana

 HUNT.—Clayton Hunt, Senior, son of John and Ann Brown Hunt, and grandson of John Hunt, minister, of Chester Monthly Meeting, N. J., was born in Burlington county, N. J., Sixth month 26, 1815; died First month 20, 1901, in his 86th year.

  He was of a family of six children, all of whom preceded him; his father dying in 1824, the family removed to near Camden, Ohio, in 1828, and thence to Richmond, Ind., in 1832, where Clayton was long engaged in carriage manufacturing, and subsequently in the grocery business. He was a life-long member of the Society of Friends and for many years treasurer of Indiana Yearly Meeting, (Orthodox).

  He was twice married, his first wife being Elizabeth Starr. To them were born eight children, five of whom are still living, viz: John S., of Portland, Ore.; Esther W., wife of Ellwood Morris; Clayton I., Benjamin and Joshua, all of Richmond, Ind. His second wife was Ruth Anna Hunt, of Springboro, Ohio, who survives him.

  Of a vigorous constitution, he enjoyed excellent health, and his frequently expressed desire to be permitted to pass away before losing the power to do for himself and others has been gratified, for he arose the morning of his decease in his usual health, and a little while later the family heard him fall in the sitting-room, and ere they reached him life was extinct.

  He was not actively engaged in business for many years, and spent his time mainly in church activities, ministering to the sick, comforting the aged, all the while testifying, almost aggressively, to the Indwelling of the Spirit and the solace and assurances of a Christian belief and life. The funeral was largely attended, especially by the aged, many of whom were past 80, and one 92 years old, Interred in Earlham Cemetery, Richmond. Source: Friends' Intelligencer; 1901.


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